Incense Shiko Ai

Kungyokudo was founded in 1594 (Bunroku period) in front of Nishi-Honganji Temple in Kyoto, and is the oldest incense shop in Japan.

"Incense Shiko Ai" is an assortment of six scents from Kungyokudo, a traditional incense specialty manufacturer.

It is made mainly from natural fragrances.
The fragrances are blended with a modern sensibility while preserving traditional methods.
An assortment of six types of incense with images of Kyoto scenery (incense stand included).

Size:(Length of incense)13.5cm (Outer box)8.0×15.0×0.8cm
Included items: incense stand φ1.4
Internal capacity: 18 pieces (3 pieces of each type)

--Assortment contents--
・Sakaimachi 101 (A fusion of fragrant woods and incense)
・Miyama no Renge (Neat, sweet and sour aroma)
・Otowa no Taki (Clean and cool aroma) 
・Yase no Kunisou (Neat lavender scent)
・Mimurodo no Hasu (Calm and clean aroma)
・Uji no Matcha (Deep aroma of matcha green tea)

*As inventory is shared with stores, it may take time for items to arrive depending on in-store sales conditions.
*The plate in the third image is not included in the product.This product includes 6 types of incense sticks and 1 incense holder.
